Polígono Comarca 1, calle L, nº 12
31160 ORCOYEN (Navarra) SPAIN
+34 948 35 10 35
Transportes Cruz, from the year 1975 and in the sector of the refrigerated transport of goods by road, highlighted by a high level of quality in all its services and a total coverage of national and European territory.

Our services are focused in the refrigerated transport by road, both in the field of domestic and international market.

The experience and the confidence that our customers have placed in our work, allows us to count with references in the most diverse sectors: vegetable, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, technological, food… throughout Europe.

We have CENTER THE LOGISTIC SUPPORT OF COLD since 1998 in Pamplona, with the possibility of cold storage at a controlled temperature for 6000 europallets (for goods frozen, fresh and dry).

In addition we offer rental offices in the own facilities, for the control of goods of our customers.

We have a modern fleet of more than 100 trucks (of 33 europallets of capacity) that together with our service, ensuring the highest quality.

We have facilities of more than 10,000 m² with mechanical workshop, loading/unloading docks, warehouse, offices, laundry room, and diesel jet own. In Pamplona and Noblejas (Toledo).

Thanks to all of this, we assure all our customers the best service with maximum punctuality.

Delegation Pamplona

Polígono Comarca 1,
calle L, nº 12
31160 ORCOYEN (Navarra) SPAIN

Tel. +34 948 35 10 10
Fax +34 948 21 51 15

Tel. +34 948 35 10 35
(24 h) +34 609 415 222
Fax +34 948 30 25 97

GPS: 42° 49’ 53.5” N • 1° 42’ 00.5” W

Delegation Toledo

Pol. Ind. La Carbonera
45350 Noblejas
(Toledo) SPAIN

Tel. +34 902 240 120
(24 h) +34 663 057 888
Fax +34 925 140 303

GPS: 39° 58’ 28.97” N • 3° 27’ 11.07” W

Work with us

Send us your CV to the Human Resources department: rrhh@transportescruz.com

“Esta empresa ha recibido una ayuda cofinanciada al 100% con recursos REACT UE, a través del Programa Operativo FSE 2014-2020 de Navarra, como parte de la respuesta de la Unión a la pandemia de COVID-19”

“Enpresa honek laguntza jaso du, EBko REACT baliabideek % 100ean konfinantzatua, Nafarroako EGIF 2014-2020 Programa Operatiboaren bidez, COVID-19aren pandemiaren aurrean Europako Batasunak izandako erantzunaren zati gisa”



Fondo Social Europeo: "Europa invierte en tu futuro"
Europako Gizarte Funtsak: "Zure etorkizunean inbertitzen du"

Financiado como parte de la respuesta de la Unión a la pandemia de COVID-19
COVID-19aren pandemiaren aurrean Europar Batasunak izandako erantzunaren zati gisa finantzatua

© Transportes Cruz S.L. 2022   Política de Igualdad